Think about what new goals you have set for yourself in 2015. Those goals all started with a thought or a desire. They have no relevance or power in your past as that is not where you are able to create, but it is where you have already created. To have a goal and stick to it, it must be activated in the current moment or the NOW or else it has no future. Let's say my goal is to lose ten pounds in the next couple of months. My mindset cannot think "in a month I will be ten pounds lighter" and poof, it happens. This can only happen if you take action moment to moment to make it your reality. If you make decisions in each moment to get closer to your goal of losing that ten pounds, only then will the results be successful in the future. When a desired goal stays in your head or your thoughts, unless you take action in the NOW, it will remain nothing but a hope, a wish or a dream. What are the results ? We continually beat ourselves up for not having enough willpower to stick to our New Year's resolution and it can create a downward spiral from there. Be conscious and pay close attention to every thought that comes in. Ask yourself - will this thought get me closer to my goals ? or will it keep me further away or separated from them? If the answer is the latter, please know that you have complete control to "Shake it off" and redirect that thought to one that packs a strong punch the same way it did when the new year first started and you had all of the determination to MAKE IT HAPPEN. As humans, we are programmed to think ahead and plan for the future. The only problem with that is that the future only exists in your head. When tomorrow arrives, it will arrive as another present moment. If you are so busy worrying about what will happen, you will miss the here and now. You have heard that your thoughts create your reality? That is why each thought is crucial to determine how each moment will unfold to create your future. Remember the future is comprised of many moments of NOW all put together. You will never feel in control if your mind goes back to the past or if it goes forward to the future. Think about it ? You have no power to change the past and you certainly have no power in the future, as the future is a time and space that does not even exist. Therefore, the only power you will ever have to realize your dreams is in this current moment. The biggest gift of all that humans have which others do not is the gift of "FREE WILL". Where can you redeem this gift? Yes, you guessed the present moment.
I hope you enjoyed this month's newsletter. I am always inspired by my Spirit Guides, or as I like to refer to them as my "Staff". We had a Staff Meeting and they inspired me to "Remind the Masses" of the moment of NOW. I am so excited to be able to see you LIVE, in person, at the end of this month - January 23, 24 & 25th. Visit my website for more information and to get your tickets at and visit the page "Events". Here's to wishing you a very happy, healthy & prosperous New Year. Make this the year of your dreams. Namaste
In Love & Light,
Kim Russo (The Happy Medium)💫⭐️