Welcome to my Blog "Remind the Masses". I hope you are enjoying reading my blogs and I hope this Spirit Inspired Message reaches a place inside of you that resonates and inspires you on your journey of discovery. As humans we can all lose our way in this world, but as many spiritual teachers believe - "We are in this world, but we are not of this world". What does that really mean? It means we are NOT human beings having a Spiritual experience, but Spiritual beings having a human experience. Coming to planet Earth is like going on a journey of discovery, and just like any long term exploration, we must plan ahead with the necessary tools and training that will allow us to survive and navigate the mission in which we set out for. Would you leave for a cross-country drive without a road map, water and other supplies that will keep you thriving along your route? When an astronaut prepares for his mission of discovery and leaves on a space shuttle to go from one planet to another, he must train for a long while to be able to acclimate to his surroundings and he must take the necessary steps to learn survival skills, taking a survival kit with him once he lands in this foreign territory. He must even wear a special space suit in order to sustain the harsh conditions of another planet. He goes through several simulated exercises so he is prepared for the actual experience once he is there. The same is true for our Soul once it decides to leave it's comfort zone and come to Planet Earth. Just like an astronaut, we must go through extensive preparation, planning and simulations before entering Earth. Also like an astronaut, you pick out your very own personal suit which is the physical body of you. Hey and guess what? You even get to pick out the color of your suit, as well as other physical attributes that go along with it. Your Survival Kit includes other Souls who agreed to help you carry out your mission as well as other carefully planned out events and experiences, as well as the geographical location in which you enter. You get to pick who these people will be; everyone from your parents, family members, friends and lovers. Many reading this who may not have favorable circumstances in your life, have just scratched your head and are denying that you would ever pick such a miserable existence. You are probably thinking that you would have picked a wealthy family or possibly a better career, a bigger house, fancier car and oh yes, the word stress would not exist in your vocabulary. Certainly you would pick a life which would be one big party on a yacht in the Mediterranean, Right ? While it may be true that some of you did construct your plan with quite a bit of perks, make no mistake that there are other circumstances that you may have picked that are not so favorable. The grass may seem greener in your neighbor's yard but believe me, if you look hard enough, you will find some weeds and even if it seems greener, they still have to mow it (meaning, they have to do the work in order to keep it green). I love metaphors, don't you? There are some people in this world that seem to have it all. Do not ever assume that they do not have any problems or issues just because they have learned to wear a fool proof mask that hides their pain. Illusions can be very tricky and they can even leave you comparing yourself to others wishing you had their life. Instead, Spirit's message is to teach that each and everyone has a Life-Theme that our individual Soul chose before we embarked on this earthly mission. You may have loads of money but no one to share it with. On the contrary, you may have loads of love from family and friends with lots of emotional support, but have to struggle to make ends meet. The journey of one's Soul cannot be mastered in one go around or one life-time, but instead is on going until it reaches the point of true Spiritual Mastery or Enlightenment. In other lifetimes (yes I wholeheartedly believe in re-incarnation) or for the love of being Green, I will call it re-cycled souls, you may have picked a theme and hopefully mastered it. If not, you can rest assure, you are working through it again here and now. You only picked it, along with the Divine, angels, spirit guides and ascended masters to help you be the best that you can be. Many of you know what you picked as your life's theme and many are still trying to figure it out. If you have no idea, I'll give you a hint.....Your theme is that nagging situation that constantly keeps re-appearing no matter how much you think you are done. For example, some people may keep picking abusive relationships in their life. This can be in the form of a parent, a teacher, a friend or of course a spouse. Can you guess this theme? Hopefully you guessed Self-Love, Self-Respect or both. When you love and respect yourself enough, you teach others to love and respect you. The good news is we can have more than one theme that we may pick in a lifetime. So, once you master one theme, the other one will show up immediately and will be repeated in your life until you get that one under your belt. The quicker you learn, the easier things will be. Not recognizing your theme can become a blockage in attaining the intended goal. Remember the survival kit that I spoke about earlier? The information from that survival kit has been downloaded into your Soul like a hard drive of a computer and each time you decide to come to Mission Earth, you can refer back to that and your very carefully planned out life map.
In conclusion, whether your current life's map involves the road less traveled or one that boasts a charmed existence, each soul is a spark of THE DIVINE. Whether or not it takes one lifetime or a thousand, the Journey of the Soul is to find it's way back to it's Source of Love and Light, reaching the path of enlightenment in order to co-exist with peace, love and harmony. This is it's true
I hope you enjoyed the read. Please tune in this coming Saturday night, February 28, 2015 on The Lifetime Movie Channel (LMN) to watch the season Premiere of The Haunting Of..... at 9PM EST, followed by Psychic Intervention, and if you missed any previously aired episodes of The Haunting Of..., you can catch them by tuning in at 8PM EST. For any other information, including my LIVE appearances, please visit my website at www.Kimthehappymedium.com
Love & Light and remember to BAB (Be A Blessing)