Sunday, October 11, 2015


Many people write to me and want to know how they can open up to hear their own messages from the spiritual realm or from the Divine.  Spiritual guidance is always available at any given moment but first we must understand how to align ourselves with this energy. 
On a daily basis most of us create a To-Do list.  Many of the items on that list involve activities that we have created or that were created for us. Many of you try and talk yourself into getting motivated to complete these tasks.  If you are trying to find motivation then you must ask yourself - Is this what I really want ? or is this what is expected from me from others, or myself ? For example: household chores; laundry, cleaning, paperwork, etc. or outside chores such as getting your car washed, going food shopping or exercising.   All of these things will get done, but you must understand the difference between being motivated to do things, which is a push feeling and being inspired to do things which, is a pull feeling. How many of you have ever put the words "allowing myself to become inspired" on your daily To-Do list? If you haven't thought of doing that, I suggest you add this as number 1. To be Inspired means to be "In Spirit".  No matter how busy I am and how many obligations I have, I would lose myself If I didn't take time to still my mind and to just BE.  In order to be inspired, you must constantly align, or re-align yourself with your inner wisdom which is most definitely connected to The Divine Mind.  Meditation is a great way to listen to the voice that guides and directs us.  You do not need to climb a mountain and sit in a yogi position to do this. One can be among chaos and confusion and can still learn how to keep inner peace flowing in order to drown out the constant noise inside your own head.  To quiet the mind, you must stop thinking about anything that will take you away from hearing the voice of God or from being "in Spirit" or inspired. The very fact that I am writing this blog is because I was inspired with the sudden urge to share.  Where did this urge come from ?  I was suddenly inspired while enjoying my morning coffee.  I have a zillion things on my To-Do list with urgent deadlines.  Am I worried ? No !!!  If you're like me, you will know when you're being inspired to do something because it seems to come from an outside source and this source is always available once we are plugged-in.  When you are relaxed and free of all of the external chatter, inspiration very often looks like this:
    • You feel it in your core and in your bones; it is a knowing that you can't explain;
    • Sometimes you feel as if the inspiration came from an external force (this may be the case but it will make more sense to you once you remember that you agreed and conspired for this inspiration before you were born);
    • There is no rhyme or reason for the urge except that you know it will make you feel good, raise you higher and not only will it help you in some way, but it will help others;
    • You can't wait another second and you can't hold yourself back from starting right now;
    • You are in complete agreement with the inspiration as you hold a passion and love for what it is you are being inspired to do.  
    Please don't get me wrong, being motivated is not necessarily a bad thing but it usually has a negative connotation attached and is often influenced by fear or tension. e.g. timelines, expectations, ego. etc. I think if you pay close attention to activities that will bring you joy and peace, with a feeling of fulfillment,  you are living "In-Spirit" or staying inspired.  If you dread having to do something, your logical mind is having a field day and is wreaking havoc blocking any inspiration that may come your way. Stay In Spirit and you will always be directed to live in the flow of the Divine plan. I think we can find "The Happy Medium" between Motivation and Inspiration and knowing best when each one should take the lead.

    I hope you all enjoyed this mind-provoking blog.  I want to remind you all that your favorite show "The Haunting Of.." has a brand new night - THURSDAYS AT 9 PM EST / 8C on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN).  Be sure to stay tuned for all new episodes including your favorite celebrities.  If you want to see me LIVE, in person, my next appearance will be in sunny Florida on October 27th in Ft. Lauderdale and on October 28th in Tampa.  check out my website for more details and more appearances.

    Many Blessings and remember to "BAB" Be A Blessing,
    Kim Russo ~


    1. I feel such love for you and connection to you. Thank you soooo much for everything you do and all that you are!! Much love to you, wonderful, talented, beautiful lady! <3

    2. Thank you, Kim! I'm reminded to stay in Spirit, let it guide me and my family through this darkness. Bless you!

    3. Hello Kim
      Just what I needed to hear. Thank you for your words of wisdom, and how they help so many of us who forget to put ourselfs first.


    4. Hello Kim
      Just what I needed to hear. Thank you for your words of wisdom, and how they help so many of us who forget to put ourselfs first.


    5. Thank you Kim for the blog. Do you do private readings, and if so how much do you charge? It would be great to see you in Sacramento Ca, although I'm not clear on if you do that sort of thing. It's nice to hear directly from you

    6. I get it. It's been many years of practice, patience and faith. I hear God talk to me everyday.

    7. I get it. It's been many years of practice, patience and faith. I hear God talk to me everyday.

    8. I get it. It's been many years of practice, patience and faith. I hear God talk to me everyday.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Hi Kim, thank you so much for the tips and guidelines, they are really going to help. I do have a question though. I recently been able to read a person feeling or energy. When I enter a room, I for some reason get a strange feeling or feel sometimes a shift in rooms. I sometimes have random thoughts that come out of no where. I was just wondering is this part of a medium or is this something else? If anyone can help I would most appreciate it. Thank you, have a joyous day everyone.

    11. Thank you for this reminder. I am at a crossroads now and am VERY stressed this weekend. I need to make a life decision and have no where to turn. Social media has been a blessing in this case. Simple is it a push or a pull should help. Again thank you.

    12. Love your show, my fiancee & I watch it every week, we love spending that time together, we are soon to be married, feeling blessed & wishing you good health and blessings to, peace Kim

    13. Thank You Kim,This was truly inspirational,and such a beautifully worded recipe for life,and I will definitely use this as a life long guide to live a much more pleasant experience in my decision making and a great direction to a more fulfilling path to successfully complete all the things I will do both today and tomorrow.Thanks again.

    14. Kim I'm not sure if you take time to read these comments or not, or maybe you have faculty that does that for you. But I must say that I have been guilted by my family for being so interested in the things that you do because we are Christians. It does my heart good to know that you believe in God now. My husband and other family members tell me that it is a sinful thing to believe in what you do and still proclaim to be a Christian. I don't think God would allow you to do this unless you were being helpful to others, and that's how I justify being such a big fan. My family tells me that this type of gift is not meant to be used for financial gain... so I am confused, but still a big fan. Could you elaborate on this at all, and your thoughts regarding it??? Know That I mean no disrespect, And even with all of the ridicule I get from my family, I still watch regularly and record every episode of "The Haunting of...."

    15. Thank you for dedicating your life to helping both worlds communicate, and for being an example of confidence, boundaries, and compassion:)

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. i love watching your show and its shocking that the spirits can show you something from a different time and its unbelievable cause i saw faces that im a fan but im a fan of your show but i have a question

      this is happen to everyone who can hear, see, or feel the energy of a spirit?
