Saturday, February 13, 2016


As we approach Valentine's Day, we see heart shaped items of everything. From boxes of chocolates to the little sweetheart sugar candies with all of the love sentiments printed on them such as wink wink and Be-mine - you get the visual. Since V-DAY is the day that most people celebrate the emotion of "LOVE", I thought it fitting to write about the part of the body where love emanates. Yes you guessed it, THE HEART.  This is the first organ that develops in a fetus, pumping blood throughout in order to cleanse and nourish all of its cells. It is also the first organ to stop working once the death process occurs. 

Did you also know that the month of February has been declared as"American Heart Month" ? This declaration relates to keeping our hearts strong and healthy and free of disease but have you ever thought about the emotional health of your heart? It has been found that the electrical impulse of the heart is approximately 60 times greater than that of the brain and is the most powerful generator of the magnetic field in the body. Recent studies have shown that the electromagnetic field which radiates from the heart center is far greater in strength than that of the brain; In fact, more than five thousand times greater.  Various experiments have found that one person's heart waves can travel up to a distance of 5-6 feet, affecting another person's brainwaves resulting in an energy exchange that can be both positive or negative. So with this knowledge, then it is safe to say that if the energy of your heart field can affect another person's brain, then it too can affect your own brain.  

Emotions can run high and low and are usually broken down into two categories - "LOVE" and "FEAR". Love is a natural emotion that we are born with and is generated through the heart center. Fear on the other hand is an emotion we are taught and is generated from the mind or the ego.  We have all heard the expressions: "follow your heart", "let your heart lead," "do what your heart tells you", etc.  Upon having to make a decision, do you tend to use logic, or do you follow your heart? I must admit, I've been in situations where I've had to make a split decision (head or heart?)  Some decisions are obvious and some are not so easy peasy.

In order to figure out which area you mostly draw energy from, just ask yourself a few questions.  Are you a risk taker and trust that things will work out in your favor?  Do you make decisions based on your feelings as opposed to logic?  Do you feel other people's pain on a deep level which affects you for days ? Are you an animal lover or animal activist ?  If you said yes to any of these questions, then most likely you have a heart center that is activated and open and this is the area where you are most likely to make a decision from. 

Fear on the otherhand uses the ego mind when making decisions and usually likes to play it safe.  As the ego is responsible for making us feel safe and secure, it also is responsible for rationalizing and making sense out of things. It never even gives us the opportunity to receive divine help from this vast and wonderful universe, allowing for blessings that may come our way.  The ego does not depend on a higher power, but rather, relies on it's own merit to thrive out there in the world.  For example, staying in a less than favorable job, marriage or friendship.  The ego mind will rationalize that although these relationships are negative, abusive and traumatizing, it will convince you to stay with language such as this:  "Although my boss is mean and nasty, in an economy such as this, I'm lucky to have a job".  Or, "my husband pays no attention to me and is very condescending,  but I'll put up with it because I am so afraid to be alone and can't pay the bills on my own".  Well, you get the idea.  The ego mind keeps us separate from love by using the emotion of fear;  it often tells us that we are not good enough and because of this, we are always trying to prove our worth to others. The ego mind operates from a selfish and "ME" perspective; always trying to seek pleasure and instant gratification.  It does not like to be inconvenienced and has no patience. As spiritual as one may be and may understand the difference between using the heart vs the mind, as long as we are humans living on earth, it will be a constant struggle to tame the ego mind and keep it at bay. 

On this Valentine Day weekend, the Spirit World has encouraged me to remind you that the most exhilarating of all human emotions is LOVE.  It is the glue that connects us all and it is nature's incredible way of keeping the human species alive and reproducing. As previously mentioned above, allowing love to flow through your heart center can affect your brain. When a person has love in their life, the brain has shown to have more of the good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin.  Scans of the human brain have also found that when a person falls in love, the frontal cortex which is the area that is responsible for criticizing and judging, shuts down.  I guess this is where the phrase, "LOVE IS BLIND" comes from.  These scans have also shown that when love flows, another part of the brain that shuts down is the part that controls negative emotions or fear.  So the way I see it, we can give the ego mind the boot and rely on the emotion of love to feel safe and secure.

Allowing love to flow freely through your heart center begins with you.  When you love yourself first,  others will be drawn to this love  and all of the barriers will disappear.  Some people reading this may be wondering, "how do I let more love in"?   If you were hurt in the past which led you to build walls around your heart, I urge you to think about how you are going to start the forgiveness process.  Most people who hurt others or who lash out, are people who are hurting themselves.  Although each situation is different, think about the person who hurt you.  Was their hurtful actions drawn from their heart, or their ego mind ? You be the judge.  As people may be hurting, the only way they know how to feel better is to transfer that hurt onto others.  It does not excuse their behavior and it does not mean you need to allow them back into your life but as the saying goes - "To forgive is to set a prisoner free only to discover that the prisoner was you".

I hope you enjoyed my LOVE BLOG and I hope this gave you some food for thought.  After all, as we all know, "love makes the world go around".  From my heart to yours......I love you.....❤️

Kim Russo
Psychic Medium / Intuitive Healer & Counselor

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Many people write to me and want to know how they can open up to hear their own messages from the spiritual realm or from the Divine.  Spiritual guidance is always available at any given moment but first we must understand how to align ourselves with this energy. 
On a daily basis most of us create a To-Do list.  Many of the items on that list involve activities that we have created or that were created for us. Many of you try and talk yourself into getting motivated to complete these tasks.  If you are trying to find motivation then you must ask yourself - Is this what I really want ? or is this what is expected from me from others, or myself ? For example: household chores; laundry, cleaning, paperwork, etc. or outside chores such as getting your car washed, going food shopping or exercising.   All of these things will get done, but you must understand the difference between being motivated to do things, which is a push feeling and being inspired to do things which, is a pull feeling. How many of you have ever put the words "allowing myself to become inspired" on your daily To-Do list? If you haven't thought of doing that, I suggest you add this as number 1. To be Inspired means to be "In Spirit".  No matter how busy I am and how many obligations I have, I would lose myself If I didn't take time to still my mind and to just BE.  In order to be inspired, you must constantly align, or re-align yourself with your inner wisdom which is most definitely connected to The Divine Mind.  Meditation is a great way to listen to the voice that guides and directs us.  You do not need to climb a mountain and sit in a yogi position to do this. One can be among chaos and confusion and can still learn how to keep inner peace flowing in order to drown out the constant noise inside your own head.  To quiet the mind, you must stop thinking about anything that will take you away from hearing the voice of God or from being "in Spirit" or inspired. The very fact that I am writing this blog is because I was inspired with the sudden urge to share.  Where did this urge come from ?  I was suddenly inspired while enjoying my morning coffee.  I have a zillion things on my To-Do list with urgent deadlines.  Am I worried ? No !!!  If you're like me, you will know when you're being inspired to do something because it seems to come from an outside source and this source is always available once we are plugged-in.  When you are relaxed and free of all of the external chatter, inspiration very often looks like this:
    • You feel it in your core and in your bones; it is a knowing that you can't explain;
    • Sometimes you feel as if the inspiration came from an external force (this may be the case but it will make more sense to you once you remember that you agreed and conspired for this inspiration before you were born);
    • There is no rhyme or reason for the urge except that you know it will make you feel good, raise you higher and not only will it help you in some way, but it will help others;
    • You can't wait another second and you can't hold yourself back from starting right now;
    • You are in complete agreement with the inspiration as you hold a passion and love for what it is you are being inspired to do.  
    Please don't get me wrong, being motivated is not necessarily a bad thing but it usually has a negative connotation attached and is often influenced by fear or tension. e.g. timelines, expectations, ego. etc. I think if you pay close attention to activities that will bring you joy and peace, with a feeling of fulfillment,  you are living "In-Spirit" or staying inspired.  If you dread having to do something, your logical mind is having a field day and is wreaking havoc blocking any inspiration that may come your way. Stay In Spirit and you will always be directed to live in the flow of the Divine plan. I think we can find "The Happy Medium" between Motivation and Inspiration and knowing best when each one should take the lead.

    I hope you all enjoyed this mind-provoking blog.  I want to remind you all that your favorite show "The Haunting Of.." has a brand new night - THURSDAYS AT 9 PM EST / 8C on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN).  Be sure to stay tuned for all new episodes including your favorite celebrities.  If you want to see me LIVE, in person, my next appearance will be in sunny Florida on October 27th in Ft. Lauderdale and on October 28th in Tampa.  check out my website for more details and more appearances.

    Many Blessings and remember to "BAB" Be A Blessing,
    Kim Russo ~

    Sunday, February 22, 2015


    Welcome to my Blog "Remind the Masses".  I hope you are enjoying reading my blogs and I hope this Spirit Inspired Message reaches a place inside of you that resonates and inspires you on your journey of discovery.  As humans we can all lose our way in this world, but as many spiritual teachers believe - "We are in this world, but we are not of this world".  What does that really mean? It means we are NOT human beings having a Spiritual experience, but Spiritual beings having a human experience.  Coming to planet Earth is like going on a journey of discovery, and just like any long term exploration, we must plan ahead with the necessary tools and training that will allow us to survive and navigate the mission in which we set out for.  Would you leave for a cross-country drive without a road map, water and other supplies that will keep you thriving along your route?  When an astronaut prepares for his mission of discovery and leaves on a space shuttle to go from one planet to another, he must train for a long while to be able to acclimate to his surroundings and he must take the necessary steps to learn survival skills, taking a survival kit with him once he lands in this foreign territory. He must even wear a special space suit in order to sustain the harsh conditions of another planet.  He goes through several simulated exercises so he is prepared for the actual experience once he is there.  The same is true for our Soul once it decides to leave it's comfort zone and come to Planet Earth.  Just like an astronaut, we must go through extensive preparation, planning and simulations before entering Earth.  Also like an astronaut, you pick out your very own personal suit which is the physical body of you.  Hey and guess what? You even get to pick out the color of your suit, as well as other physical attributes that go along with it.  Your Survival Kit includes other Souls who agreed to help you carry out your mission as well as other carefully planned out events and experiences, as well as the geographical location in which you enter.  You get to pick who these people will be; everyone from your parents, family members,  friends and lovers.  Many reading this who may not have favorable circumstances in your life, have just scratched your head and are denying that you would ever pick such a miserable existence.  You are probably thinking that you would have picked a wealthy family or possibly a better career, a bigger house, fancier car and oh yes, the word stress would not exist in your vocabulary.  Certainly you would pick a life which would be one big party on a yacht in the Mediterranean,  Right ?  While it may be true that some of you did construct your plan with quite a bit of perks, make no mistake that there are other circumstances that you may have picked that are not so favorable.  The grass may seem greener in your neighbor's yard but believe me, if you look hard enough, you will find some weeds and even if it seems greener, they still have to mow it (meaning, they have to do the work in order to keep it green).  I love metaphors, don't you?  There are some people in this world that seem to have it all.  Do not ever assume that they do not have any problems or issues just because they have learned to wear a fool proof mask that hides their pain.  Illusions can be very tricky and they can even leave you comparing yourself to others wishing you had their life.  Instead, Spirit's message is to teach that each and everyone has a Life-Theme that our individual Soul chose before we embarked on this earthly mission.  You may have loads of money but no one to share it with.  On the contrary, you may have loads of love from family and friends with lots of emotional support, but have to struggle to make ends meet.  The journey of one's Soul cannot be mastered in one go around or one life-time, but instead is on going until it reaches the point of true Spiritual Mastery or Enlightenment.  In other lifetimes (yes I wholeheartedly believe in re-incarnation) or for the love of being Green, I will call it re-cycled souls, you may have picked a theme and hopefully mastered it.  If not, you can rest assure, you are working through it again here and now.  You only picked it, along with the Divine, angels, spirit guides and ascended masters to help you be the best that you can be.  Many of you know what you picked as your life's theme and many are still trying to figure it out.  If you have no idea, I'll give you a hint.....Your theme is that nagging situation that constantly keeps re-appearing no matter how much you think you are done.  For example, some people may keep picking abusive relationships in their life.  This can be in the form of a parent, a teacher, a friend or of course a spouse.  Can you guess this theme?  Hopefully you guessed Self-Love, Self-Respect or both.  When you love and respect yourself enough, you teach others to love and respect you.  The good news is we can have more than one theme that we may pick in a lifetime.  So, once you master one theme, the other one will show up immediately and will be repeated in your life until you get that one under your belt.  The quicker you learn, the easier things will be.  Not recognizing your theme can become a blockage in attaining the intended goal.  Remember the survival kit that I spoke about earlier?  The information from that survival kit has been downloaded into your Soul like a hard drive of a computer and each time you decide to come to Mission Earth, you can refer back to that and your very carefully planned out life map.

    In conclusion, whether your current life's map involves the road less traveled or one that boasts a charmed existence, each soul is a spark of THE DIVINE.  Whether or not it takes one lifetime or a thousand, the Journey of the Soul is to find it's way back to it's Source of Love and Light,  reaching the path of enlightenment in order to co-exist with peace, love and harmony. This is it's true

    I hope you enjoyed the read.  Please tune in this coming Saturday night, February 28, 2015 on The Lifetime Movie Channel (LMN) to watch the season Premiere of The Haunting Of..... at 9PM EST, followed by Psychic Intervention, and if you missed any previously aired episodes of The Haunting Of..., you can catch them by tuning in at 8PM EST.  For any other information, including my LIVE appearances, please visit my website at
    Love & Light and remember to BAB (Be A Blessing)

    Sunday, January 11, 2015

    Ringing in the NOW in 2015

    Happy New Year and welcome to 2015. As a new year begins, we are reminded that the past is behind us and there is not much we can do to change that and all we have are lessons learned and memories, good or bad. The future is not here yet and is not promised to anyone and in reality, all we truly have is the present moment of NOW. With every New Year, many people vow to make changes to better themselves. There is nothing wrong with trying to be the best you can be but why wait for a new year to make these changes or improvements. The amazing Lao Tzu has said, “If you're depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're living in the future. If you're at peace, you're living in the present” and to quote the Dali Lama when asked what surprises him the most about human behavior his response was: “What surprises me most about a human is he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” You may want to read that a few times slowly to absorb it's meaning. How profound is that ?

    Think about what new goals you have set for yourself in 2015.  Those goals all started with a thought or a desire.  They have no relevance or power in your past as that is not where you are able to create, but it is where you have already created.  To have a goal and stick to it, it must be activated in the current moment or the NOW or else it has no future.  Let's say my goal is to lose ten pounds in the next couple of months.  My mindset cannot think "in a month I will be ten pounds lighter" and poof, it happens.  This can only happen if you take action moment to moment to make it your reality.  If you make decisions in each moment to get closer to your goal of losing that ten pounds, only then will the results be successful in the future.  When a desired goal stays in your head or your thoughts, unless you take action in the NOW, it will remain nothing but a hope, a wish or a dream.  What are the results ? We continually beat ourselves up for not having enough willpower to stick to our New Year's resolution and it can create a downward spiral from there.  Be conscious and pay close attention to every thought that comes in.  Ask yourself - will this thought get me closer to my goals ? or will it keep me further away or separated from them?  If the answer is the latter, please know that you have complete control to "Shake it off" and redirect that thought to one that packs a strong punch the same way it did when the new year first started and you had all of the determination to MAKE IT HAPPEN.  As humans, we are programmed to think ahead and plan for the future. The only problem with that is that the future only exists in your head.  When tomorrow arrives, it will arrive as another present moment. If you are so busy worrying about what will happen, you will miss the here and now. You have heard that your thoughts create your reality?  That is why each thought is crucial to determine how each moment will unfold to create your future.  Remember the future is comprised of many moments of NOW all put together.  You will never feel in control if your mind goes back to the past or if it goes forward to the future.  Think about it ?  You have no power to change the past and you certainly have no power in the future, as the future is a time and space that does not even exist.  Therefore, the only power you will ever have to realize your dreams is in this current moment.  The biggest gift of all that humans have which others do not is the gift of "FREE WILL".  Where can you redeem this gift? Yes, you guessed the present moment.

    I hope you enjoyed this month's newsletter.  I am always inspired by my Spirit Guides, or as I like to refer to them as my "Staff".  We had a Staff Meeting and they inspired me to "Remind the Masses" of the moment of NOW.  I am so excited to be able to see you LIVE, in person, at the end of this month - January 23, 24 & 25th. Visit my website for more information and to get your tickets at and visit the page "Events".  Here's to wishing you a very happy, healthy & prosperous New Year.  Make this the year of your dreams.  Namaste 

    In Love & Light,
    Kim Russo (The Happy Medium)💫⭐️

    Monday, October 13, 2014


    Thank you for finding your way to my blog.  Spirit has inspired me to remind you who you really are.  If I were to ask you to describe yourself, how would you answer?  Would you identify yourself with the roles you have acquired in your life such as a good mom, a good father, a hard worker, a person with good morals and values?  Maybe you would identify yourself with what you do for a living, or your special talents. When you think about the question, who am I?  Do you identify yourself with your physical identity as in someone who is too tall, too short, having red hair, blond hair or curly hair? Someone who spends endless time figuring out how you can change your physical appearance by dieting or working out?  Perhaps you are like many and identify yourself with the way other people have labeled you at some point such as your parents, teachers, friends, children and spouses?  Maybe your answer is all of the above.  What if I were to tell you that you are none of these things?  Confused?  Let me explain.  You are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.  What this means is that you are a SOUL.  There are many people who would argue that the Spirit and the Soul is not the same thing.  That is up for debate.  What I am talking about is the energy that breathed life into your existence.  Just like a battery that holds the juice to power an electronic device.  The Soul is your life force or the juice.  It can exist in any dimension and is not bound by space or time.  It is ageless and endless and the essence of who you really are; and while we are here on earth the most common way a soul can thrive in a physical body is by expressing it's highest vibration of creation and love using its biggest asset, FREE WILL.  It is the direct link to ALL THAT IS or the spark of the Divine. It is the light that shines within us.  It is oneness and wholeness.  It can never be separated, segregated or divided from its Source.  I call this Source God and the Holy Spirit.  Many have different names for Source and that is okay.  The Soul is not about religion, as religion will surely separate and divide the human race.  Have you ever heard the expression "Soul Search"?  It is called that for a reason.  Since you are a chip off the old block of the Divine, you are naturally ingrained with a navigation system that only has one destination - Back Home or back to the light.  Many people have confessed to not feeling like they belong here on earth.  Like they are different or isolated.   Because you are not separate, you will always be taken care of.  Unfortunately many people have learned to play by the rules of their EGO and have forgotten who they truly are.   Society has programmed many of us to believe it's a dog eat dog world.  It's every man for themselves.  The Ego of man is the factor that has people believing that they are all alone.  The ego mind has created competition to the highest degree here on planet earth.  Where there is competition, there is insecurity, loneliness and vulnerability.  The Soul was never meant to be separate from the whole.  It would be just like taking a fish out of the ocean.  Without the resources that feed it, it is sure to die.  Many people write to me telling me they are dying inside and I know their only hope to thrive again is to find their way back to their ocean, back to their food supply and that is LOVE.  The problem is many do not know how to do this.  It is very easy these days to get caught up in the shadow side of people.  Turning on the news will do it every time.  I don't suggest hiding under a rock or burying your head in the sand.  The solution lies not in how others act or conduct themselves, but in how you react to it.  If you know how loved you truly are in the eyes of the Divine, you would walk with your head held up high as if you have some magic fairy dust in your back pocket that you can use whenever you get sucked into the negativity of others.  Sprinkle some of that dust wherever you go, and you can rest assure, people will ask you what is your secret.  Stay tuned for future Spirit inspired blogs.  Until next time I wish you Love & Light.

    Namaste 😏 💫✨ Kim Russo - The Happy Medium

    Sunday, April 27, 2014

    Becoming Smarter than your Smartphone

    April 27, 2014

    Having to fill a whole day of appointments and sticking to a schedule has become the American way.  I am just as guilty of this as the next guy.  I grew up in a generation without all of the techy gadgets that exist today.  When I went to Disney World in the 70s, Epcot had a ride that you would sit in and it would bring you through a visual world of the future.  I remember looking at ovens that would cook food in 2 minutes and thinking, that's a great concept but how can that ever be possible?  Well, I don't think there is a home today that doesn't have a microwave oven.  Along with this future invention, I remember seeing TV monitors that would allow you to see the person you were having a phone conversation with.  For me, the only frame of reference I had at that time that resembled this future existence was the TV cartoon, "The Jetsons".  This cartoon family lived in a world full of modern day conveniences, appliances and gadgets that helped them live a very fast paced life with not having to wait for anything.  It gave multi-tasking a whole new meaning.  When I think of this cartoon, memories of George Jetson, the family dad, standing on a conveyer belt on his way to work is what comes to my mind.  There was no need for him to walk, as the belt zipped him from his kitchen where there was an assembly line of gadgets that would cook his food, to help him get dressed to housekeepers that were robots, to his flying car that would get him to his office.  Who knew that the visionaries who created this show would be so on target?  All these years later, we have all of these conveniences, and the flying car? Trust me, they are working on it.   But how much is too much?  I admit, I have a laptop, a desktop, an ipad, a mini-ipad, a kindle, and an I-phone.  Am I missing anything?  Probably.  The point is, we all use all of these on a daily basis and our lives have become dependent upon them. 

    The other day, on my way to a dentist appointment, I left my home in a hurry and I forgot my smart phone.  When I pulled out of my driveway and was half way to my appointment, I realized that my trusty companion was not by my side.  I suddenly realized that I felt disconnected from the entire world at that moment.  Not only did I not like the feeling, but also I almost considered turning my car around.  My next thought was - the location I was going to had a landline phone and my family knew my location and could find me god forbid of an emergency.  When I got to my destination and I had to sit in the waiting room, there were a few outdated magazines on the waiting room shelf.  Nothing that I was even remotely interested in reading.  Call me crazy but I was going through withdrawals as I watched the people waiting and the entire waiting room had their heads bowed down, flipping through god knows what on their phones and tablets.  Waiting for my name to be called seemed like an eternity as I was forced to sit down, alone with my thoughts.  Can you imagine? My thoughts? Uninterrupted by emails, phone calls, calendars and Facebook?

    As I was ushered into my appointment, and after some x-rays were taken, the dentist was called into the next room with an emergency he needed to tend to.  This event left me alone in the dental chair in the reclined position.  Not having any communication to the outside world, I was forced to just lie there.  Many thoughts were flooding through my mind from planning my upcoming week to concern's about my family and friends and their problems and worries. In this moment I realized that without the distraction of the constant stimulation from my NOT so smart phone, I needed to decide how I was going to spend the next hour or so.  I decided that I had a choice so I decided wisely.  Mentally I sent my family and friends love and light and said a prayer that they find peace and the answers to their dilemmas.  Oh, and the best part was I didn't need to download an app to do this. I also decided that I could use this time to enhance my energy.  So I pushed any thoughts that were not pleasant out of my mind and continued to visualize a peaceful white light above my head.  I allowed this light to enter the top of my head and then to come in my whole body.  I pictured this light re-energizing all of my cells and asked it to enter anywhere I felt it could touch my vibration and heal any physical issues as well as emotional ones.  Time flew by as I drifted into a time lapse.  I literally had to force myself to come out of the blissfulness when I heard the nurse call my name back into the room.  I immediately realized that leaving home without my phone was a blessing.  I felt refreshed and renewed.

    Human nature can be funny sometimes.  In order for us to escape our own thoughts, we are not only becoming programmed to take a peek into the outside world through our gadgets, but we have become addicted to them. It has literally become an epidemic in our society.   As like anything else which was invented to help humanity multi-task or become advanced (Note: I am a huge advocate for social media outlets and technology and love my gadgets just as much as you do), however, finding a balance is the key.  Allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts without interruptions.  Even if its for two hours a day.  When I leave home, now I purposely leave my phone in my car or my bag.  I realized that it is so easy to get caught up in the technological world that has taken over our population. Of course we all need to conduct our business in an efficient way and so it is necessary to check on things.  However, try not to let the cyber world take the place of the human condition.  Pick your head up from your phone or tablet and smile at a stranger while in public.  Making eye contact with people, rather than walking the streets surfing cyber space can start to bring us back to our selves.  Although the Internet does a good job in keeping the world connected; the only true connections are created by LOVE....
    Namaste xoxo